Tuesday 11 February 2014

GTX Titan Upgrade, Dogecoin and a New Domain Name!

A couple of interesting things, firstly I have registered the markmmiller.co.uk domain name so this blog can now be found at blog.markmmiller.co.uk. As well as this my main site is still a work in progress but I have been experimenting with Linux and have set up a Raspberry Pi to act as a web server for hosting. Again the main site at www.markmmiller.co.uk but if you head over the site is being hosted from my Raspberry Pi as we speak! 

In other news I applied for the Nvidia Academic hardware donation program a few weeks back for a GPU to help with my research into parallel programming and to much surprise I managed to get approved for a GTX Titan. The Titan finally arrived today and, for once, managed to install it without too much bother.

Figure 1 - GTX Titan

Figure 2 - GTX Titan
This was a significant upgrade to my ageing GTX 460 so hopefully I will be able to levy a lot more performance in my applications and I will attempt to benchmark both give a comparison of the performance gap between the two. Although the Titan isn't a mid-range card, hopefully it is an indication of the levels of performance that will become mainstream in years to come.

Figure 3 - MSI GTX 460
The other thing I have recently embarked upon is altcoin mining, mainly Dogecoin for now. With my GTX 460 I managed to achieve a 120 K/hash rate but the Titan on the other hand doesn't work with my app so I shall update when I find out. As for the temperature, both the Hawk and Titan are running around the same temperature idle but currently the Titan is having trouble turning its fans on when it gets hot. I will look into this later. Anyways, I shall get to bench marking soon but first is a matter of installing the programs. Check out the photos below to see what it's like in the case!

Figure 4 - Case Interior

Figure 5 - Titan Closeup
Be sure to click on the above photos to see them in HD. Anyways, back to more University and Honours project work for me, I'll update you guys soon!

Email: markmmiller@hotmail.co.uk
Xbox Live: Dr Death MK 2
Steam: 7thsanctum

Origin: 7thsanctum
Youtube: 7thsanctum
Github: 7thsanctum